If you’re in your early 60s, becoming more active may reduce your risk of heart disease, researchers report. That’s especially true for women, they added. “The 60 to 64 age range represents an important transition between work and retirement, when lifestyle behaviors tend to change. It may, therefore, be an opportunity to promote increased physical…

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Mark Twain said, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Only some are so lucky. And, if you are one of the lucky ones, even a job you enjoy doing can become tedious after many years. If you’re grinding through your days, thinking about…

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A pair of new studies points towards two potential paths to the fountain of youth. When older adults feel more control of their lives and get more exercise, they feel younger — and that improves their thinking, overall quality of life and longevity, the studies say. One study included 116 older adults (ages 60 to…

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It’s almost sounding like a broken record at this point, but U.S. home prices continued their steady climb in June — and, combined with rising interest rates, the trend is prompting more and more people to stay in their homes instead of selling. Nationwide home prices rose 6.8% during the year ended June, according to…

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Many older Americans with dementia don’t know they have the disease, a new study indicates. A review of data from 585 Medicare recipients with probable dementia found nearly 6 out of 10 were either undiagnosed or unaware of their diagnosis. Those who had less than a high school education, who went to medical visits alone…

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If you want to counter the physical costs of getting old, regular exercise might be your best option, researchers report. The findings “debunk the assumption that aging automatically makes us more frail,” said researcher Janet Lord. She is director of the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing at the University of Birmingham in England. In the…

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