Posts Tagged ‘fitness’
Senior Falls a Key Factor for Hospital Readmission
Fall-related injuries are a major reason why seniors are readmitted to the hospital within a month after being discharged, a new study finds. “Falls are a trifecta in terms of reasons why they need an increased focus,” said principal investigator Geoffrey Hoffman, an assistant professor in the University of Michigan’s School of Nursing. “They are…
Read MoreMorning Exercise Kick-Starts Seniors’ Brains
Want a quick brain boost? A morning session of exercise and short walks throughout the day provide a number of brain benefits for older adults, a new study says. The findings show that people should avoid uninterrupted sitting to maintain good mental function throughout the day. The study also indicates that moderate-intensity exercise such as…
Read MoreEven a Little More Exercise Might Help Your Brain Stay Young
Alzheimer’s and dementia are not an inevitable part of normal aging, and a little exercise might help keep them at bay, a new study suggests. The researchers found that every hour of light exercise on top of recommended weekly levels of more intense activity reduced brain aging by about a year. “This study emphasizes the…
Read MoreAmericans’ Pets Help Ease the Aging Process, Poll Finds
Richard McIntosh hadn’t had any pets since his childhood farm dogs, but then he started a relationship with a competitive dog trainer and found his life filled with Golden Retrievers. Now McIntosh, 59, of Cornelius, Ore., can’t imagine growing old without a dog or two by his side. “There was a little something missing from…
Read MoreOne Short, Brisk Walk a Day May Keep Arthritis at Bay
Less than 10 minutes a day of a brisk walk can help prevent disability in people with arthritis pain in their knee, hip, ankle or foot, researchers report. Just one hour a week of brisk physical activity “is less than 10 minutes a day for people to maintain their independence. It’s very doable,” said lead…
Read MoreMove More, Live Longer
If you’re a couch potato, better move. Your life could depend on it. Researchers say replacing 30 minutes a day of sitting with physical activity could cut your risk of premature death by nearly half. They examined 14 years of data on inactivity and activity with more than 92,500 people in an American Cancer Society…
Read MoreAttention, Seniors: Drink More Water and Head Off Disease
Not drinking enough water is a common but under-recognized problem among American seniors that puts their health at risk, researchers say. “So many health issues are related to inadequate hydration,” including urinary tract and respiratory infections, frequent falls and other problems, said study author Janet Mentes. She’s a professor of nursing at the University of…
Read MoreStudy Urges Seniors to Get Moving to Live Longer
Can you tell how long you’ll live? For seniors, how fit you are may offer a clearer forecast of life span than traditional markers such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and smoking, a new study suggests. It included more than 6,500 people, age 70 and older, who had an exercise stress test between…
Read MoreKeep Moving to Keep Brain Sharp in Old Age
Staying active in old age may help preserve your memory and thinking skills, a new study suggests. In fact, older people who were physically active kept their minds sharp, even if their brains showed signs of lesions or other markers linked to Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, researchers found. “Physical activity may provide cognitive reserve”…
Read MoreWhen Are You Planning to “Get Old”?
When are you planning to get old? According to a recent study, you’d better move the date back. “Contrary to common belief, many people can live well into their 90s without becoming cognitively impaired, study findings indicate.” – Neurology 2003; 60: 477-480 But statistics are statistics. Let me give you some examples from my own…
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