Still weighing whether to make a New Year’s resolution? Or perhaps regretting letting your healthy habits slide during the holidays? Either way, the American Medical Association (AMA) has ten recommendations to help Americans improve their health in 2024. “It is quite common after the holidays to think about all you’ve eaten or your reduced physical…

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Colon cancer survivors can give their health a boost by eating more navy beans, a new clinical trial finds. Small, white navy beans are full of gut-supporting fibers, amino acids and other nutrients that can help the beneficial bacteria of the gut flourish, researchers said. And colon cancer patients who added a cup of navy…

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Shrinkage of one of the brain’s key memory centers appears to herald thinking declines, a new study finds. The region in question is the hippocampus, a two-sided structure located roughly above each ear and embedded deep within the brain’s temporal lobe. It’s long been known to play a crucial role in the storage and transference…

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For seniors who often find themselves in the ER, complications from diabetes is the most common culprit, new research shows. Not only that, these chronically ill patients remain in the hospital longer and require more treatment and resources, noted the authors of the study. It was published in the Jan. 28 issue of the Annals…

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Continually progressing keeps exercise interesting and further increases your fitness level. Here are five fun ideas to keep challenging yourself. Identify an area of weakness, like a muscle group you want to tone or a fitness skill you’d like to have. You might assess your level of each of the key components of fitness —…

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Older adults who regularly spend time with family and friends may have bigger brains to show for it, a new study suggests. Healthy brain aging is a complex matter, and researchers are still trying to understand which factors keep the mind sharp and which ones feed declines in memory and thinking. But a number of…

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Menopause, a natural stage in a woman’s life, brings a host of changes and challenges. One aspect that is crucial to consider is nutrition. Eating the right foods and avoiding others can help you navigate this change with vitality and optimal health. This article will discuss the key foods to eat and those to avoid…

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Regular exercise is potent medicine for older adults with heart disease, a new American Heart Association scientific statement says. Physical activity should be a key part of care for older adults with heart disease who want to reduce their symptoms and build their stamina, said geriatric cardiologist Dr. Daniel Forman. He’s chair of the panel…

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It’s clear that staying active is key to being healthy, and fitness trackers and smartwatches have become popular tools for tracking activity. But just how many steps does someone need to take to lose weight? That’s not such a simple a question. While evidence is limited on exactly how many steps a day it takes…

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Move your body every day to guard against type 2 diabetes. That’s the upshot of a new study that analyzed Fitbit data and type 2 diabetes rates from participants in a nationwide research program, reporting that women who logged more steps each day had a lower risk of diabetes. “We investigated the relationship between physical…

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