When it comes to parts of your brain, bigger isn’t necessarily better. Experts long believed that a bigger hippocampus meant better memory. But new research finds that the size of this seahorse-shaped structure deep in the brain doesn’t always predict learning and memory abilities. Researchers looked at more than 330 older adults in Germany and…

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A good retirement means different things to different people — some want to be close to their family, some don’t want to spend their winters hip-deep in snow. Retirees who travel frequently want to be near a good airport, some want to be close to a good hospital, others might want to live in a…

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As pension plans at private companies become continuously rarer and the condition of existing corporate pension plans continues to worsen, the nature of retirement in America is being forced to go through a period of change. This is according to a story in USA Today by business trends reporter Nathan Bomey, and a report by…

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Parents with adult children are often closely linked in terms of finances, and the depth of those connections can sometimes threaten the retirement plans of the parents. This is according to new research released by home co-investing company Unison, announced on Thursday. According to the results of a survey conducted in August 2019, 92% of…

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If you’re a senior who loves to take in the latest art exhibit or check out a new musical, it might do more than stimulate your senses: New research suggests it could lengthen your life. Scientists found that among over 6,700 older adults they tracked, patrons of the arts had a markedly better survival rate…

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As many American baby boomers are poised to move out of their homes by the mid-to-late 2020’s, some observers are asking what kind of effect a mass migration of older Americans will have on the housing market and in some local economies. This is according to a story published in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).…

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Playing cards and board games like chess, bingo and Scrabble might be the mental workout you need to keep your wits as you age, Scottish researchers suggest. People in their 70s who regularly play board games score higher on tests of memory and thinking skills than those who don’t. And 70-somethings who step up their…

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Potential borrowers of reverse mortgages, whether they are Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs) or a proprietary, non-government product, should be aware of key features before engaging in a loan. These include borrower obligations related to taxes and homeowners insurance, as well as the ways in which reverse mortgage products have undergone significant changes in recent…

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Retirees should strongly consider employing a reverse mortgage loan to help fund their retirements, primarily because they can serve to protect against two major problems: falling home prices, and the increasing likelihood that a senior will outlive his or her assets. This is according to Professor Benjamin Harris, executive director of the Kellogg Public-Private Interface…

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Forget television sets and video games, the best thing to buy during the holiday season may be a home. A new analysis from Attom Data Solutions, a provider of real-estate data, found that December is the best month of the year to buy a home when it comes to getting a relatively good price. During…

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