Over 90 percent of adults over the age of 55 are at risk of developing or have already developed high blood pressure, and 80 percent of seniors have at least one chronic health issue — while 77 percent have at least two. As you age, finding ways to take control of your health is crucial…

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Nearly 40% of surveyed “empty nesters” with an average age of 49 still support their adult children financially on a variety of expenses, including mobile phone plans, rent payments, groceries and student loans. This is according to a survey recently conducted by 55places. “While empty nesters may taste newly-found freedom, their wallets still seem to…

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Paying down your home mortgage balance faster than required is not a new idea. But you may be surprised to discover how powerful it can be. I will explain. But first, note the following. This is not for everybody The accelerated mortgage paydown idea can only work for folks who have positive cash flow and/or…

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1 in 5 American homeowners constantly feel that they are house rich and cash poor, and that their housing problems are getting worse. This is according to a new, wide-ranging and multi-generational study conducted by alternative home equity tapping company Hometap. A feeling of being “house rich and cash poor” chronically affects 1 in 5…

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If you’ve been following us at all lately, then you know we’re a bit germaphobic—and with good reason. Who knew, for example, that your kitchen is actually the dirtiest part of your whole house? But before you bleach down all the surfaces, hear this. The kitchen isn’t the only place where creepy, crawly germs are…

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The costs associated with “homemaker” services – which assists older adults with tasks including cooking, cleaning, and running errands – and home health aides – who assist older adults with bathing, dressing and eating – are rising at a faster rate than nursing home care, making assistance with basic tasks more expensive. This is according…

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Households with housing cost burdens have reached an all-time high, and many households led by those in the senior age demographic have failed to recover from the financial crisis that began in 2008. This has exacerbated the need for affordable and accessible housing and in-home care, and the ability to build home equity will be…

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All those hours spent prepping and cooking in the kitchen in the days leading up to Thanksgiving yield a mouthwatering holiday feast of roast turkey with stuffing, mountains of mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. But the last thing you want weighing on your mind after you sit down to eat Thanksgiving dinner are…

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The often unpredictable but increasingly likely expense that awaits people of retirement age is oriented around long-term care, and financial advisors are turning to an abundance of new strategies to help their clients pay for it. One such option according to an advisor is a reverse mortgage, who offered the idea in a new story…

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As an increasing share of older Americans are turning toward other kinds of emerging jobs in order to make ends meet in retirement, many older workers are turning to jobs that don’t carry any benefits. The result of this is that fewer older workers are in more “traditional” jobs that carry benefits, while many other…

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