Worries about coronavirus have battered stocks and sent investors fleeing to the safety of U.S. government debt. On Friday, the yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell below 0.7% for the first time. Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve cut its benchmark rate to a range between 1% and 1.25%. Mortgage rates are expected to…

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Because there are notable gaps in the coverage of long-term care (LTC) services in the Medicare program, one possible path to funding such services could be through the use of a reverse mortgage. This is according to Diane Omdahl, a former technical expert for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and a Medicare…

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Women primarily carry the burden for serving as primary caregivers for their aging parents, which has notable implications on their own future financial and retirement goals. This is according to a study conducted by the Nationwide Retirement Institute, and highlighted recently by Yahoo Finance. According to the results of the study, nearly two-thirds of caregivers…

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For many, paying off debt can feel like an insurmountable task. The most common types of debt for Americans include mortgage debt, student loans, auto loans and credit-card balances. Debt can dent one’s ability to save for retirement, may hamper homeownership and impede overall future financial security. While some may be tempted to ignore debt…

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For seniors who own homes with a notable amount of equity, proprietary jumbo reverse mortgages can be a viable option to explore when looking for the means to pay down an existing, forward mortgage or fund retirement. This is according to an article appearing at financial news outlet Barron’s. Particularly for seniors who live in…

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A large fraction of Americans nearing retirement age are worried they can’t afford health insurance now, much less when they quit working to enjoy the good life, a new survey shows. One in every four people between 50 and 64 are not confident they’ll be able to afford health insurance during the next year, and…

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